
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
httpdを停止中: [ OK ]
httpdを起動中: Syntax error on line 9 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'DirectoryIndex', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration


### Start of the Zend Studio Server section.
# The configuration lines below are added by the Zend Studio Server installation
# script.

Options Indexes
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

Options Indexes
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

### End of the Zend Studio Server section.

バグかな? DirectoryIndexは mod_dir モジュールで提供されるから文頭で呼んでも動く訳が無い。。。http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.1/ja/mod/mod_dir.html
